czy moglby ktos fachowo przelozyc to na POLSKI jezyk techniczny?
sens rozumiem ale brakuje mi polskich odpowiednikow. tekst pochodzi z instrukcji silnika Continental i dotyczy fazy rozpakowywania przesylki ;-)
CAUTION ... Align spline of governor drive gear and assure that the govemor is fully seated to the
crankcase prior to installing the attaching hardware. This will eliminate the possibility of misalignment
forcing the drive gear over the camshaft gear, requiring engine disassembly.
zalezy mi szczegolnie na tych terminach:
- governor
- spline of governor
- drive gear
- crankcase
- camshaft gear
A ja powiedziałbym, że chodzi tu o nie tyle o całe przekładnie, co o pojedyncze koła zębate:
- drive gear - koło napędowe/napędzające
- governor drive gear - koło napędowe regulatora obrotów (wtedy spline of governor drive gear oznacza wpust na klin ustalający to koło na wale)
- camshaft gear - koło zębate wałka rozrządu, po naszemu driven gear (czyli koło nasadzone na wałek i odbierające napęd od drive gear - koła napędowego)
- crankcase to oczywiście karter, nazwa oficjalna: skrzynia korbowa
Przy czym przyznaję się bez bicia, że moje uwagi mają charakter tzw. ogólnowojskowy - nie dość, że nie miałem do czynienia z obsługą (nie wspominając o jakimkolwiek montażu/demontażu) tego silnika, to nawet nigdy nie widziałem go na golasa (czyli nieosłoniętego jakimiś pokrywami etc).
Ostatnio edytowane przez Rafalik ; 28-09-2013 o 19:07
For every solution there is a problem.
Wielkie dzieki panowie. To juz mi pomoze bardzo.
Ogólnie fragment pochodzi z rozdzialu o rozpakowywaniu, montowaniu i testowaniu silnika. Zacytuję calosc...o ile to moze pomoc:
If the engine is not to be installed within five (5) days after removal of shipping plugs, it must be
represerved in accordance with procedures listed in Chapter 14.
If the engine is to be installed within five (5) days after unpacking, remove the shipping plugs
installed in the lower spa~ plug holes and tum the crankshaft through at least two complete
revolutions in order to remove the cylinder preservation oil from the cylinder. Remove the shipping
plugs installed in the upper spark plug holes and inspect the cylinder bores with a borescope for
rust or contamination. Contact your Teledyne Continental Motors Distributor if any abnormal
condition is noted.
(Install the upper spark plugs finger tight and torque the lower spark plugs to 300-360 in. Ibs. Do
not lubricate spark plug threads prior to installation.
NOTE ... Remove all protective plugs. Drain preservative from oil sump. Service the lubrication
system with mineral (non-detergent) oil or Corrosion Preventive oil corresponding to MIL-C-6529
Type II. See Chapter 12 for sump capacity.
Remove the shipping plate from the propeller governor pad forward of nu moor 6 cylinder. Lu bricate
the governor shaft splines with engine oil; install a new gasket and then install the propeller
governor control. Attach with plain washers, new lock washer, and torque the nuts In accordance
with aircrafts Manufacture's recommendation.
CAUTION ... Align spline of governor drive gear and assure that the govemor is fully seated to the
crankcase prior to installing the attaching hardware. This will eliminate the possibility of misalignment
forcing the drive gear over the camshaft gear, requiring engine disassembly.
Optional Accessories: Optional accessories such as hydraulic pumps, vacuum pumps, etc., may
be installed on the accessory drive pads located on the upper rear portion of the crankcase.
Remove the accessory drive covers and install new gaskets. Install accessories in accordance
, with the airframe manufacturer's instructions.
WARNING ... Because 011 pressure Is appHed to the face of the accessory drive pads, proper
Installation procedures and materials must be used to prevent 011 loss.
Instal! all airframe manufacturer required cooling baffles, hoses, fittings, brackets and ground
straps in accordance with airframe manufacturers installation instructions.