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Czy mozecie poradzic co z tym fantem robic dalej?
Oto skarga mojego znajomego na AB
GDN-TXL AB8481 05NOV12 11:10 12:15
TXL-JFK AB7248 05NOV12 13:05 15:55 [COLOR="#"][/COLOR]
On Monday, November 5th, 2012 I checked-in for flights AB8481 GDN-TXL and AB7248 TXL-JFK. First leg of my trip went smooth. The plane landed at TXL a little later then schedule time. But this lateness did not affect my departure of next leg to JFK - I boarded flight AB7248 TXL-JFK on time. Then aircraft AB7248 left the gate and was taxing to the runway. Finally, the aircraft stopped and returned to the hard stand nearby Passenger Terminal. All passengers were informed by Captain, there was technical problem discovered and maintenance work had to by performed by Technical People. We were asked to leave the plane and transported by buses to the gate. Later on (at the gate) we were told by airport staff, that our aircraft went through technical inspection and we would leave for JFK around 7:00 pm.
We boarded an aircraft AB7248 again and took off from TXL airport at 06:55 pm and arrived at JFK airport at 09:05 pm on November 5th 2012. (local times given)
Based on the situation cited above and the provisions of the EU 261 / 2004/EC, on compensation and assistance to passengers in cases of denied boarding and of cancellation or flight delay, I ask for immediate payment of compensation due to me 600EUR - calculated in accordance with the principles of situated cited above in the EU Regulation. So the calculated contribution, please send to me in the form of a check to the address given above."
Oto odpowiedz AB na skarge:
We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused by the delayed performance of your flight on November 5th, 2012. It is a major concern of airberlin to offer our passengers reliable and comfortable transportation. Please accept our apologies.
According to the letter of European Directive 261/2004 underlying your claim, an entitlement to compensation is not provided for.
Furthermore, following the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, a carrier is not liable for adjustment payments if the irregularity was caused by exceptional circumstances beyond the responsibility of the carrier.
Due to the inconvenience caused, as a gesture of goodwill, we would like to grant you discount of 600.00 € on your next reservation with us for a flight with airberlin and NIKI.
As soon as you submit the new booking number and your international bank details (name of the bank, account no., routing no.) by fax (+49 / 30 / 3434 1909) or e-mail ( together with our reference xxxxxxxxx we will credit your booking account accordingly.
This voucher can be redeemed until January 31st, 2015. Any form of resale is prohibited and does not entitle the buyer to claim the discount. We will make every effort to provide you with the accustomed quality of service that you have come to expect and look forward to welcoming you on board a future airberlin group service.
Yours sincerely,
Znajomy odpisal AB, ze nie przyjmuje propozycji tej ugody w postaci kredytu na poczet przyszlej podrozy. Prosi o wyplate gotoweczki 600EUR.
AB milczy do tej pory. W koncu 26.06.2013 znajomy wyslal skarge do LBA (wraz z cala dokumentacja i korespondecja z AB). Wczoraj otrzymal nastepujaca odpowiedz:
We acknowledge receipt of your report on xxxxx about cancellation of the flight xxxxxx from Munich to Poznan operated by the air carrier AB on xxxxxxx.
The LBA acts as the German complaint and enforcement body according to Regulation No 261, but only within the scope of administrative supervision according to trade law. That means in order to enforce and comply with the regulations, the LBA investigates the issue and has the possibility of imposing administrative fines against air carriers according to the law of administrative offences. The aim is to prevent infringements in the future.
For your civil claims according to the Regulation No 261 we must inform you that we are not in a position to enforce your possible claims legally. You can only assert your claims according to the procedures provided for in the respective applicable law.
Your personal data will be stored and passed on to the necessary extent to the air carrier concerned. The data processing is carried out exclusively for the purpose of handling your notice.
Finally, we would like to thank you for submitting your passenger complaint as well as for being interested in civil aviation consumer protection, as, only on the basis of the feed-back of the passengers concerned, we will be able to provide for a satisfying level of consumer protection.
Kind regards,
Odpowiedz nijakia. Jak mamy rozumiec ? Sprawy nie ma? Sprawa jest? Czy moze skierowac to do ULC?
Przepraszam, ze tak duzo bylo do czytania, ale jestem z zasady dokladny